Not Actually Goth
Worn: October 11, 2012

My girlfriend Lynn and I both admire aspects of goth asthetic and philosophy, though only Lynn, who has no interest in style, actually claims to be goth. But I wear something along these general lines about once a month, as a gift to her, to make her stammer when she looks at me.
Choosing to take as many as possible of my outfit pictures in a cemetary has nothing to do with goth. Oakland Cemetary is one of the prettiest public parks in all of Metro Atlanta, and is conveniently located near three interstates, so I pass by it on many of my long journeys around town.
b.i.y.a.y.c.d.a. black top from Macy's, 2007
NY Collection black tanktop from Macy's, 2007
American Rag Cie grey jeans from Macy's, 2010
Walking Cradles "Premiere" black flats from Zappos, 2007
Sele black belt from Macy's, 2007 (came with skirt)
Black collar necklace made by me, 2012
Trifari black earrings from Sears, 2011
Sephora Collection Rouge Cream Lipstick, color R24

My hair is nearly waist length, but I sometimes tuck it under to simulate a bob. I should probably only try that when wearing lighter colored clothing that doesn't highlight the few hairs which escape the clips. But I'll probably end up only tucking my hair when wearing black or navy.