Dressed for Time Travel
Worn: December 3, 2012

After years of intermittant exposure, I finally became a Doctor Who fan back in June. I've done some superhero costuming at science fiction and comic book conventions for a few years, but I decided to try an Amy Pond costume for a Doctor Who anniversary party/mini-con a few days ago. I didn't get any pictures of it, unfortunately, but this sweater, as seen in the episode "Dinosaurs on a Spaceship", is part of it. Screen accurate pieces usually take a lot of time, money, or both, to obtain, but I got lucky; this was the last one in my size available on the manufacturer website.
Reiss blue & white sweater, 2012
Levi's "Bold Curve" blue jeans from Macy's, 2012
SAS "Freetime" tennie shoes, 2011
Blue beret from eBay, 2011
Red heart pendant from Michael's, 2012
Red earrings made from Michael's components, 2012
Polo Ralph Lauren PH1007 eyeglasses from Lenscrafters, 2007