Pink Glasses, Pink Jeans, Tight Curls
Posted: October 17, 2013
Worn: October 1, 2013

Years ago, my favorite Youtube vlogger, who has long since left Youtube, wore glasses identical to these. They had already been discontinued in this color even then, but she mentioned the model name once in the comments and I managed to locate a pair on eBay. They were quite a departure for me at the time, so I decided to wait on buying prescription lenses until I was sure I liked them. By the time I was sure, I was so accustomed to wearing them with my blue contacts that I decided to stick with flat lenses. So yes -- I'm nearsighted and I still wear vanity glasses.
I wanted jeans in various bright and bold colors for several years, but couldn't find them anywhere. Two years ago, stores suddenly broke out in them. I initially thought colorful jeans were an isolated incident, so I bought from the very first brand I saw, despite the awkward fit and lack of stretch. I've tried on two dozen brands since, but they all have similar fit issues, usually worse than the ones I bought. As far as I can tell, vividly colored skinny jeans are not available for women who need a curvy fit. So I haven't bought more and rarely wear these.
dELiA*s blue lace cape top, 2012
L8ter black top from Macy's, 2010
Celebrity Pink pink skinny jeans from Macy's, 2011
Franco Sarto black boots from Goodwill, 2013
M Style Lab earrings (originally part of necklace) from Macy's, 2010
Bongo feather & shell necklace (came with a top) from Sears, 2013
Etnia Barcelona "Saigon" pink half rimmed glasses from eBay, 2010

I'm trying something a little different with my hair today. I would like for it to be straighter and less volumous. What I've discovered recently is that most of the volume actually derives from brushing, combing, and otherwise detangling it after it is dry. If I leave it alone except when it is wet, the curls are much tighter, but the volume of my ponytail is less than a third of what it would normally be. Lynn loves the curlier look without reservation, though I have to fight to keep her from running her fingers through it and making it puff up. It is still far from the look I want. It also has the definite downside of preserving much of the shape of my ponytail even if the band is removed.