Third Verse, Same as the First Two
Posted: May 26, 2015
Worn: December 2, 2013

The outfits I wear each day are chosen somewhat with an eye toward who I'm going to be seeing. I try to arrange for the same people to see outfits across the full width of colors and styles that I wear and only repeat any given outfit around a person at rare intervals. This may sound awkward, but it really isn't. It's actually a great time saver in narrowing down what I should pull from my closet for the day.
Monteau "Coach Tour" dress in Spearmint from Modcloth.com, 2012
Love Story pink wrap from iBlue 25, 2011
H&M black belt, 2011
We Love Colors black tights, 2011
Franco Sarto black boots from Goodwill, 2013
August "Blossom Story" black beret from Macy's, 2008
M Style Lab pink earrings (originally part of necklace) from Macy's, 2010
Opi Nail Lacquer in Black Onyx from Amazon, 2013

Taking pictures for the blog on the other hand is much more affected by rain, wind, heat, and cold. (I don't much dress for the weather; I'm indoors almost anytime that I'm not seeking natural light for photography.) And it's affected by my availability during the diffuse evening light, when people like to have dinner and get together and play games and go to the theater and all sorts of things that are not outfit photography. So I take pictures when it's convenient and variety suffers. Three of the past four posts have featured Monteau Coach Tour dresses from Modcloth, And of course they're all worn with cardigan, belt, and tights, but that's just my style. Similarly, four out of five posts immediately prior to the recent hiatus featured my Pamela Mann chevron tights, which I excuse purely on the grounds of their awesomeness.

There are other examples in the archives if you care to look. And of course the most distinctive recurring overused feature of my style on the blog would have to be my black beret. Now I grant you that I do love it, but I wear it even more incessantly on the blog than in ordinary life in a determined and occasionally successful effort to hold my hair and especially my bangs in place against the wind.